Josh Cochran is the illustrator that I shared a page with in Runner's World Magazine this month. I liked what he did for RW so I looked him up on the interweb (here). He has some really cool stuff, go check it out.
Another quick down and back to NYC for a location shoot at the Thompson Lower East Side Penthouse. A flight leaves every hour between BOS and LGA and they give you a free Sam Adams Lager. The trick is to drink it quick, no sipping. Usually once you have it in your hands the pilot is announcing that we are descending and ready to land. "Sam Adams please"...pound it...hand it back...we have it down!
Say what you want about where Shepard Fairey gets his inspiration his work is cool to me. Here's a few iPhone shots of a piece he just redid. It was up once and got torn down and now it's up again on the old A Street Deli here in Fort Point/South Boston. In an artists community that's becoming very gentrified it adds a reminder to all the developers and BMW owners now in the neighborhood of where they are. I've always enjoyed his work and it's cool to see it at his ICA show but even cooler to see it for free when going to grab lunch. Thanks for the inspiration Shep!