Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday: Hipstamatic/iPhone Holga

As always click on the image to see it bigger.
So here's another contact sheet of Hipstamatic images from my iPhone. I like the contact sheet format. It reminds me of the days when I used film and would see a roll of holga film in a similar fashion. I'm posting these images once a week now on Wednesdays to share with you, the blog reader, the way I see life. I see something cool in all the little things that could go unnoticed or have beauty that is usually overlooked. I'm always seeing something cool, I'm always looking for something cool, and now I'm using the Hipstamatic app on my phone to shoot just about everything I see.

Any thoughts? Are you inspired? Hate this? Love it? I would love for everyone that visits the blog to leave a comment. I know you guys are reading, i have the analytics installed. Please take a sec and type a few words. Thanks-Josh


Kyle Holmquist said...

Looks awesome Josh! I find myself photographing everything and anything with all the old style film apps they have for the iPhone.

Maritza said...

Thank you for sharing all of these!