Wednesday, July 18, 2012

VT Run + Gun Post 2: Vietnam Memorial

One of the stops I made was at the VT Welcome Center and home of Vermont's Vietnam Memorial. While I was checking it out and paying my respects to the fallen I met two veterans and members of a Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club. They were super friendly and I think a little psyched to see someone my age at the memorial. They were on there way to an event up in Canada to the Vietnam Memorial there. They shared with me that since Canada was neutral country they didn't recognize the soldiers in there country, "They shit on them up there worse than they shit on us here. Guys from up there were coming here and volunteering while chickenshits down here ran up there to hide."
Before I asked to photograph them I made sure to shake their hands and thank them for their service.
What a great experience and it's moments like this that I'm glad I took a personal day and hit the road. Pysched to be a photographer for sure.

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