Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Marketing 2010: Email Promo Test

I just sent out an "Email Promo" to my Linked In connections. I sent it to test the waters a bit and see what kind of response I can illicit from people I already know in some way, shape, or form. I know it's an off week, between Christmas and New Years, and many people aren't going to the office or checking email. It will be interesting to see the results. If you received one of these emails and you've ended up here at the blog please leave a comment for me to help gauge the effectiveness of the "Email Promo". Tell me if you like it, you hate it, or if you want to get a post card through conventional mail.
This is the beginning and one segment of my new marketing plan for 2010. I'll be sending these emails as well as postcards to specific target market groups. As well as cold calling potential clients and arranging times to show them my printed portfolios.
I welcome and encourage any feedback you may have. Please leave a comment for me here on the blog, email me at josh@joshcampbell.com, or give me a call 617-921-6573.

1 comment:

Wendy Maybury said...

I'm here! Right where you wanted me to be! I have a mega big screen and I found your contact info a little hard to read... I thought the images were amazing as always... You have always created rad images and you're a dream to work with so I am sure your new site will be well-received. (Love the image info, btw)