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Here's a shot I did with Bryan Iguchi at the World Quarterpipe Championships at Waterville Valley, NH in 2002. That event (more party then contest) was a blast. They had lit a fire on the run in and the riders had to jump the fire while getting pummeled with snowballs and beer cans on there way to throw down on the quarter. In fact I had a shot of someone ollying the fire in Rolling Stone next to some of Tim Zimmerman's photos. This shot here ran in the first issue of The Snowboard Journal printed really well on super nice paper. I was stoked to be part of it. It also ran in Seth Butler and Mike Nevin's The Journal back when it was a b+w snowboard mag, not the full color art mag that it is now. It might have been in Eastern Edge too, I can't remember.
I shot this with a Hassleblad, 80mm lens and cross processed a tungsten film in c-41. It was lit by the sun through fog.